Monday 12 December 2011

Sean Freeman


"I like to make things with stuff. I enjoy shooting all sorts of different materials, then using those shots to create type treatments & illustrations for a varied bunch of people from advertising to publishing."

Sean Freeman is a talented UK-based illustrator and designer. He’s best know for his typographic art and I’m sure most people in Britain will have come across his fantastic works for the “Think – Drug Driving Campaign”.
I love the work of sean freeman due to the extreme manipulation of his images, manipulated so much they somehow look real. throughout this term i have focused on the movement in fashion photography and the elegance of body language. I htink i have challenged myself taking simple yet surreal images of dancers but i really want to up my game and take some risks, manipulation has always been a weakness of mine so by taking inspiration form Freeman I can set myslef a challenge and produce a really ambitious outcome. 

I wanted to experiment with manipulating images on photoshop using an ink stamp to form the effect of  ink in water that links with my models hair.
 I cloned the colours of her hair to make sure they blended well however it came out very contrasted and seemed at a very low level of skill. I attempted the same technique with another photo. and used different filters on phtotshop to see if i could create a much more illustrative image.

This was my favourite one as the ink seemed to create different colours that complimented the flicks of her hair. i also like the simplistic detail of the image.
I really like the idea of using ink in my photos but i now need to have a more complex image to work around.

My Dance Fashion Shoot

I wanted to do my own fashion shoot using dancers, as in doing my "Horror Fashion Shoot" with Alice I took a distorted Image of her face which reminded me of the film i made and photos i took with a dancer whose images turned out surreal and distorted. i love the essence of movement in images but i didn't want to capture the distorted faces but more of the movement in their body language. I had done a few experiments with "Hair Whipping" so i wanted to incorporate those experiments into my shoot by using a light that reflects through my models hair and emphasise the texture and colour as their hair moves along with their body.

I first of all took group shots of my models Laura. Hayley and Emilie dancing together in front of the light. However these images didn't capture the the light in their hair or a silhouette of their body movements. As my models were deciding dance moves i took a snap shot of two of my models standing in front of the light laughing together. This was the kind of image i wanted to capture.

i decided to do singular shots, because as a group the models weren't in sync and didn't connect with each other, i first used Emilie who was my model for my soliloquy project. we put on some music to influence her to dance and as she did so i took a few shots.

What i like most about EMilies shots is the disfigurement of her body and the abstarction of her hair. She is a very slim girl so can make her v=body seem creature like and can easily

For my next shots i used my model Laura whose hair was styled in a Mohawk.
As she danced, the light shone through her hair and the light fabric on her arms, providing an elegant touch to the photo with aggressive body language

Monday 5 December 2011

Horrifying fashion

it all began with a little bit of glitter and hair whipping which lead to something totally different. I wanted a photo shoot where i threw glitter at my model to capture light and beauty as she whips her hair. so i attempted it ...

this was my final image form the glitter shoot as it was exactly what i wanted however i only got one image that i really liked. my plan was to use a light bulb above her however there was not one light bulb to be found. instead we used the dark room red light which added a slight red colour to her hair. so i tried something different ...
The red light inspired em too create a horror style fashion shoot bit unusual but fashion photography is 

Most of these images was just to practice giving instructions to a model because i'm not the best at it and eperimenting with a red light. however the image above reminded me of the soliloquy task which i really really enjoyed as its similar to my final image of a distorted face. i would love to do another shoot like this but incorporate dancing into it like my soliloquy task