Monday 5 December 2011

Manipulating my Experiments

 inspired by the surreal and strange Pirelli calendar images i wanted to manipulate my experiment images to create my own Pirelli calendar style photos. 
i used three of my favorite images. the first of my friend Emma. i used the cutout tool to highlight the shadows on her face and animate the outlines of her features. I then overlay one image of ink i used and duplicated it twice and changed the hue so i had three different colours. i made the opacity about 60% so you could see Emma behind the ink images.
For my second image i deleted the background colour by using the magic wand tool however i kept the texture of the wall as i thought it added a nice tone to the image. i then used the poster edge, artistic tool to create another animated look and to outline the jaw line and texture in the hair. Afterwards i used another image form my ink selection which i placed behind them so it seems the ink is the wall. i made the contrast and brightness higher to add a more surreal colour pallet to the image. 
for my final image i used the same ink photo but changed the hue to a more Aqua/turquoise colour and duplicated the image to create a whole new image of a symetrical pattern. for the image of my friend Tania i used the neon glow tool adding brightness and a bright blue colour to give off strange shine to her complexion. 

I loved manipulating these three images and i would like to do some manipulation for my final images. 

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