Monday 12 December 2011

Sean Freeman


"I like to make things with stuff. I enjoy shooting all sorts of different materials, then using those shots to create type treatments & illustrations for a varied bunch of people from advertising to publishing."

Sean Freeman is a talented UK-based illustrator and designer. He’s best know for his typographic art and I’m sure most people in Britain will have come across his fantastic works for the “Think – Drug Driving Campaign”.
I love the work of sean freeman due to the extreme manipulation of his images, manipulated so much they somehow look real. throughout this term i have focused on the movement in fashion photography and the elegance of body language. I htink i have challenged myself taking simple yet surreal images of dancers but i really want to up my game and take some risks, manipulation has always been a weakness of mine so by taking inspiration form Freeman I can set myslef a challenge and produce a really ambitious outcome. 

I wanted to experiment with manipulating images on photoshop using an ink stamp to form the effect of  ink in water that links with my models hair.
 I cloned the colours of her hair to make sure they blended well however it came out very contrasted and seemed at a very low level of skill. I attempted the same technique with another photo. and used different filters on phtotshop to see if i could create a much more illustrative image.

This was my favourite one as the ink seemed to create different colours that complimented the flicks of her hair. i also like the simplistic detail of the image.
I really like the idea of using ink in my photos but i now need to have a more complex image to work around.

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