Wednesday 21 September 2011

"The Jeremy File Share"

The First thing to do was to think up a title for the show that linked with the computer theme. We created a brainstorm of words that linked to the subject like "Wire" "plug" "hard-drive "file" "link" etc.. and after putting some words together we came up with "THE JEREMY FILE SHARE"
At the begining of each show titles run up with the "Jeremy Kyle" logo. we wanted to use the logo to introduce or open our own show. So we used photoshop to edit the logo ...


After creating the logo we needed to Photograph the computers. we wanted to find an area in the school whcih could be seen as a studio. Fortunatly we have a theatre with folding chairs and stairs which were perfect for the scene's. We wanted to set the computers up as though they were all in the studio, however we thought of a comical idea of having one of the computers at home on a webcam. (Relatable to the theme)

After Photographing the computers we needed to make personalities for them. We decided first of all The "Jeremy" PC should be the black computer in the studio as it is shiny and safisticated. the second computer was the small white netbook. this was to be the vulnerable girl. And the final computer would be the aggresive and lazy boy as the computer is set in a messy room and has a dark screen.

after figuring out which computer was which we neede a "jermy kyle show" story we came up with a brainstorm and a list of differnt stories

Money Issues
Parent Issues
Family Issues

After a few arguments and a long discusion we decided to base the storyline on STD'S or in computer terms a virus. we thought this was the best idea as we came up with a few comical lines that could easily relate to the subject. After writing the script we needed to record the voices. fortunatly we had a friend who was studying music tech and helped us out with the mixing and recording. Seeing as there were three of us we each were given a computer to do the voice off
Jeremy Kyle was offered to Emma, as she seemd to be the strongest speaker and had a extrovert perosnality
The boy computer(Advent) was given to Aaaron as he was th eonly boy in the group and had a deep voice wchih would suit the character
and the last computer (sony) the girl was given to me, as I'm a girl and I have a lisp which added a bit of character to Sony.

After finalising the recording and editing the sounds we decided to create the film in Movie Maker, Me and Aaron spent our study period editing the image sinto the right place to suit the audio and create comical effects we also added the running titles and a caption to add more of a tv show style to the film. When all was completed we created credits and thanks at the end.

Finaly Finished this is our FInal film
"The Jermey File Share"
By Emma Butler Aaron Quinn and Meg Lavery

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