Wednesday 21 September 2011

New Bench Mark

Every Bench has a collection of memories. Some are marked and some have little souvenier's, like this one. a yummy tissue. To me benches are a lonely place to sit and reflect. I never realised how much company benches have in a day untill i actaully sat down and documented the people who visited in a time space of 20 minutes.
Whilst sitting on a bench in bournemouth I met a nice couple. I decided to record my conversation with them but i didnt catch there names as i was interupted by two students who asked me questions about food. A bit strange, but i went along with it. This is an image i took of the cuple i didnt wan tto take a snapshot as first of all i was shy to ask and i wanted to capture their natural body language and facial expression. I took the image and noticed that they had exactly the same facial expresssion, a comical image.  >>>> 

 I took a few more images whilst waiting for a friend. as i wanted to capture the differnt characters who visited the lonely bench ...

I went to the Great Dorset Steam Fair with a friend. I wnet to experience the night life of the fair, i tried to capture an image of the miles and miles of lights form caravans and the rides... instead i found this image of the night time atmosphere of the fair

I experienced an amazing night where i met many gypsies, farmers, engineers and unique characters. What i noticed though was at night the fair was alive and colourfull. you could hear screams of joy, laughter, banter and see smiles all around. However in the day that all changed.
I took three images of people sitting on benches in the arly morning. There is an obvoious change in atmosphere over night as my images are dull form the smoke from the ngines spreading across the sky. Every character in my photos are miserable and tired, even the wood of the benches are dull and boring in contrast to the bright lights from the funfair,

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