Thursday 22 September 2011

Self Portrait Task - Influenced by JR


JR wanted to change the world with his photos, he wanted people to see the world for what it really is and hoped to make a differnce to peoples lives.

Our project however is based on oursleves. We were set a task to take an image of oursleves that shows an honest portrayal of our own personalities.
These are three images I chose that I think personaly represent myself.

the top image shows my insecurities my face is hidden  Others think I am a confident and energetic person, but deep down i have so many insecurities that my confidennce is non existant.
In the second image i am also hiding behind my hair due to my insecurities but also i am crouching my shoulders as though I am trying to protect myself. I am a friendly person however I am not open to others due to past experiences that have lead me to only trust myself. I believe my body language expresses my need to keep myself to myslef, however in the photo i am smiling a little. To me this symbolises, that even though im insecure and afraid to trust others I am happy
The last image shows the "meg face" (as everyone calls it) in nearly every photo that is taken of me i stick out my toungue. I think this shows the me that everyone else sees, the stupid, clumbsy, naive, ditzy meg. 

I wanted to gather all of these element sof myself into one photo so I chose this one. I also wanted to reflect on my top. Which reads "I was your boat, you were my sea, together we'd float so delicatly" it is a song by a favourite band of mine that means a lot to me.

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