Wednesday 14 September 2011

The big Idea

Due to similar interests in research, I teamed up with two other class mates to create a final film. We all loved the style and comedy of "Creature Comforts" and "The Natural Confectionary Company" advertisements so we wanted to take those elements and form our own short film. 

We wanted to use the concept of photographs rather than using an actual film Camera. We chose to use images as we believed photographs have a much more comical effect in films due to the change in depth of field and the way the pictures flick from one character to the other... so all in all we knew we wanted to create a comical animated film using photography. But what could it be about? 

 We wanted to focus in Inspirations or a narrative from Tv shows such as "Top Gear" "The Jeremy Kyle Show" and "Mock the Week"
Many Programmes and movies have been made to mock TV programmes, films, or even types of cultures such as "Epic movie" "the Impression Show" and "Little Britain.As a group we knew what we wanted and thought about making a mockery of a programme. We first needed to decide what to use as our characters or subjects. 
One of our group members"Emma" had a high interest in computers. First of all we thought of creating a film with a similar concept to creature comforts where Animals talk, Complain, Argue and discuss certain topics but instead we would use computers. As we researched into the film we already came up with a few lines
"Im not anti-social, im just not user friendly"
"(Computer not responding)I'm just ignoring you"
"Your homepage or mine"

Idea 1 
Computer Personalities 
We first came up with an idea based on computers personalities. All computers look differnt so their personalities can be based on the way they look and also what their voices sound like. For example, an old Desktop could have the personality of an old grumpy man, or a bright pink laptop could have the personality of a girly girl. Fro this we could create a film similar to that of "Creature Comforts" but full of computer banter. The topic of the show could be based on how computers are treated and like creature comforts would be interviewed by the people who treat them theat way.

Idea 2

Spoof of Famous People
Our Second idea was to create a spoof of a famous peopleand the first one that came to mind was "Jeremy Clarkson". This was due to his hilarious catch phrase which we had already came up with a line for 
"The Biggest hard--drive ........ In the wooooorld"
However after finding a sline for "Jeremy Clarkson" we couldnt think up of any more hilarious jokes or spoofs linked to computers  

Idea 3 
Spoof of The Jeremy Kyle Show 
Our final idea was definatly our favourite. Due to the entertaining atmosphere and storyline of the show we thought it would be a comical and fun film to create. The idea was to set up interviews with computers, where they speak about their problmes and try to resolve them.

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