Thursday 22 September 2011

What is a Soliloquy

A Soliloquy is a device often used in drama whereby a character relates his or her thoughts and feelings to him/herself and to the audience without addressing any of the other characters which is different to a monologue which are used when the character may be speaking his or her thoughts aloud, directly addressing another character, or speaking to the audience 

Soliloquy’s express a characters honesty and tell the truth. Soliloquy’s are never changed no matter who or what the character is addressing as it is an honest refelction of their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. They express a characters honesty as they are always truthful. A soliloquy can be seen as an ungarded mind as characters confess to the audience which may make the audience feel contaminated or uncomfortable as they no something other characters do not.

There are two different types of Soliloquy’s Public and Private. Public soliloquy’s are ususally spoken by Villians or comical characters, as they inform and entertain the audience whereas a private soliloquy is usually spoken by a troubled character which makes an audience feel like they are eve’s dropping or in vading the characters personal thoughts. 

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